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Identifying Chronic Truants and Chronic Absentees

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Identifying Chronic Truants and Chronic Absentees

02 February, 2021

Regular attendance to school is important for students to improve outcomes as they grow and learn.  There are two different attendance metrics used to identify students and families who made need additional supports to reach their potential.

CHRONIC TRUANT: a student is identified as a Chronic Truant if he misses 5% or more of his possible days as unexcused.

CHRONIC ABSENTEE: a student is identified as a Chronic Absentee is he misses 10% or more of his possible days for any reason.  This includes unexcused absences, excused absences, and out-of-school suspensions.

Average Daily Attendance Report in Skyward

The first step to identifying the Chronic Truants and Chronic Absentees in your building is to run an Average Daily Attendance report in Skyward.  Follow the link below to review setting up the template.

When trying to identify your Chronic Truants and Chronic Absentees, it is recommended that you always use the first day of school up as the start date and yesterday's date as the end date. 

Be sure to select the option to COMBINE TOTALS in your template.

Chronic Truants

After running the ADA report, you will want to move to Section 2 of the report.  The heading will state CHRONIC TRUANTS and individual students identified as a Chronic Truant will be listed.

The truancy rate will be the last data element for each student.  All unexcused days are flagged as truant and will count towards the student's truancy rate.

Chronic Absentees

After running the ADA report, you will want to move to Section 3 of the report.  The heading will state CHRONIC ABSENTEEISM and individual students identified as a Chronic Absentee will be listed.

The Percent of Attendance will be the last data element for each student.  All absences count toward this metric and will be calculated in the student's attendance percentage.

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